Heart Murmur In Cats And Anesthesia

The anaesthetic risk is increased for patients with cardiac disease even if they are able to compensate.
Heart murmur in cats and anesthesia. Any dog or cat with a murmur especially one that is suddenly detected meaning on his last exam it was not there but on this exam it is there or a pet that may be undergoing anesthesia. None of those methods have pain-relieving properties so a separate pain reliever like Buprenex is a must. The presence or absence of a murmur is not a good predictor of heart disease in cats.
Anaesthesia in dogs and cats with cardiac disease. Heart murmurs are most commonly a result of a compromised heart valve. While there are some medicines that can help they usually dont cure HCM.
Heart murmurs are graded 1-6 with 1 being of the least concern and 6 being of the most concern. The ultrasonographer will tell us if this murmur is serious or not. A heart rate monitor counts your cats heartbeats per minute.
So basically having a murmur doesnt really mean much. Cats Protection will only refer a cat to a specialist if classed as grade 5 or 6. The grade of murmur does not necessarily mean heart disease is more or less severe or even present.
You dont say how severe Rockies heart murmur is but wed imagine its moderate to severe if your vet is worried about his ability to survive anesthesia. This type of murmur is benign not harmful. Anesthesia and other factors such as surgery itself can affect heart rate.
A veterinarian cannot tell the cause of the heart murmur just by listening to the heart. Prevalence of cardiomyopathy in apparently healthy cats. One study found prevalence to be 16 Paige C et al.